And for reasons I don't understand at all, it was published in an undated (mid-Nov 2010) Cool Lawyers Images blog, with the same title and detailed notes as what I had written on this Flickr page. Moving into 2010, the photo was published in a blog titled " Should I Go Au Natural In My Spa?" And it was published in an blog titled " Padded tops for tots." It was also published in a BugiL | Blog BB 21 ++ blog, with the same title as the caption that I used on this Flickr page. Note: this photo was published in the issue of "Green Behavior" blog, in an article entitled " Line Drying Clothes - A Green Initiative." It was also published in an blog titled " Swimsuits and School Reform." And more recently, it was published in an blog titled " What Kind of Swimsuit Should You Use?" And it was published in blog titled Guest Post: A New Voice." It made a profusion of colors, which is what I was trying to capture here. We often had towels draped on the railing of the deck porch, plus swim suits and various other things hung on the clothes-line beside the house. Jenny was five during that summer, as was Alison (I think) and I suspect that red-headed Kristin was four-ish. On this occasion, our lawyer/friend Steve Froling had come for the weekend, with his two daughters Kristen and Alison. We invited various people out to visit, and usually had Jenny and/or Marian Nash with us on most weekends.

We took the house on Memorial Day weekend, and kept it through Labor Day - though we decided, sometime later, to actually spend the month of August over in Europe. In the summer of 1976, we rented a house from the daugher of Toni's godmother, Jane Perrin, in the little enclave of Robbins Rest, west of Ocean Beach, on Fire Island. (this is a commercial site I found via TinEye. phish/boards_thread.cgi?threadID=1503418 That means this picture was viewed about 25 times in average every day since Nov.

Till April 6, 2007, it has been viewed for 6221 times. I traced it back on Technorati and found somebody has collected it into a blog called bikini babes.

This picture has been viewed about 2,000 times (till November 18, 2006) and always been the top viewed picture on my flickr. The photo was taken in a pub, Anshan, Liaoning province, Northeast China, February 2004. She is not a stripper - she came on stage with bikini and ended up the show with the same costume.