
Register code scanxlpro
Register code scanxlpro

Kinda leaning towards Bluetooth (power draw, shorter range, and the units appear to be more stable) but they're closer to $100. There are Wi-Fi units that are pretty cheap and even a few (newer) Bluetooth options. I'm probably going to go ahead and get a iOS friendly device (I have a few in my amazon cart) just so I can have it to use for stuff like dash command.

register code scanxlpro

I searched earlier and came across a few Tech 2 options. Not really looking to drop $350-650 just yet. I do see that HPT does have a scanner and a scanner/editor package. :brentil: I would like something that can at least READ all codes so I can tell what the heck is triggering the warning lights. Click to expand.Yeah, I'm beginning to get more than a little frustrated.

Register code scanxlpro