It didn’t take me very long for my spending tracking worksheet to reveal where our money was going. You see, I couldn’t figure out why we had so much consumer debt at the time. I started tracking every dime we spent, recording what we spent it on. The second step I took was probably the most life-changing as far as our money was concerned. Then I went about paying our monthly bills using the budget. I made the budget estimating our expenses the best I could.

So I searched for and printed out two budget worksheets that would end up changing my life: My family and I were deep in consumer debt (to the tune of $42,000) and desperate for change. I started using budget worksheets and other printable budget tools out of desperation. Printable Budget Worksheets Change My Finances (For the better!) Blooming Homestead Budget Binder Printables Clean and Scentsible Family Binder Budgeting Printables Simply Unscripted Budget Binder Printables The Queen Of Free Budgeting Set Printables Just A Girl And Her Blog Budget Printables Printables By Design Budgeting Printables Printable Budget Worksheets Change My Finances (For the better!).They allow you to see where your money is going and make sure that your spending aligns with your values and goals. Printable budgets can be a game-changer for your finances. Now my budget worksheet (and other printable worksheets) are some of my financial BFFs. The reason? Honestly, it seemed like a budget was nothing more than a parent telling me what I could and couldn’t do with my money.