As exercise is one of the main elements of a cardiac rehabilitation, patients must have an exercise capacity of being able to walk for a continued distance of at least 60-100 meters. Referrals for any of the following conditions are accepted. It is important that GP practices have processes in place to ensure the coding of patient attendance see Cardiac rehabilitation coding information in Downloads for details. The provider will include the relevant outcome and code in its practice letters/correspondence for the practice team to enter into the patient record. long-term management and audit and evaluation.

lifestyle risk factor management and psychological health.The core components of cardiac rehabilitation are: They are then followed up at three and twelve months once they have completed the programme. Patients are assessed prior to commencing the programme and the programme will be tailored to suit their individual needs. Choose a different default download location by selecting Browse and then selecting OK when you're done. In the View Downloads dialog box, select Options in the lower-left. It is run as a combination of face-to-face and telephone consultations, depending on patients’ requirements. Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, and then select View downloads.

The programme is designed to help patients return to normal and improved levels of activity, as well as encouraging lifestyle changes which improve long term well-being. The Whittington Health (WH) cardiac rehabilitation programme consists of exercise and education to help support patients recovering from cardiac surgery or a new diagnosis of a cardiac condition.